Annual Consents
For all clients
☐ Decision to Enter Care
☐ Authorization for Medical Care
☐ Authorization to Disclose Health Info revised August 2021
☐ Acknowledgement of Client Rights Notification
updated annually by reviewing entire welcome packet
***If you have a client that has been in our service but has yet to complete the 2015 Consent for Treatment (formerly known as the Admissions Agreement) and Privacy Practices please include those in your annual consents. Once these are signed they will not need to be signed again.
For clients in residential services
☐ 2.10 Provider Owned or Controlled Residential Settings
signed annually by the guardian/client
For clients that take medications in our services
☐ Authorization for Over-The Counter (OTC) medications
signed annually by the physician
☐ Authorization to Self-Administer Medication, if applicable
signed annually by the physician
☐ Medication Education
signed annually by the physician
Please use the comment box below to let me know how this works for your program. Thanks! Jenny