The persons participating in services/activities move toward:
- Optimal use of:
- Natural supports
- Self-help
- Greater self-sufficiency or a slowing of the declines associated with aging
- Greater choice
- Greater control of their lives
- Participation in the community
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Services and activities are organized around:
- The stated goals of the persons served
- The identified preferences of the persons served
- The identified needs of the persons served
- Improving the ability of the persons served to understand their needs
- Assisting the persons served to achieve their goals of choice in the following areas:
- Community living skills development
- Interpersonal relations
- Recreation/use of leisure time opportunities
- Vocational development or employment
- Educational development
- Self-advocacy
- Access to nondisability related social resources
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Services are provided at times and locations that meet the needs of the persons served.
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Personnel are available to meet with persons served to discuss matters of interest or concern.
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The organization provides information or referral to assist the persons served in securing assistance to meet their basic needs.
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The program’s outreach to and follow-up procedures for the persons served are directed to:
- Those who drop out of services
- Those who have been admitted to a treatment, institutional, or other setting
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