Employment and Community Service Standard 4.P – Personal Supports Services (PSS)


The program clearly identifies the supports and services provided.

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Personnel receive training that includes:

  1. Promoting consumer-directed supports
  2. Advocating for the needs of persons served
  3. Guidelines for participating in the service planning for persons served, when applicable
  4. Where appropriate, supportive therapeutic techniques
  5. As appropriate to the service provided, safety training that includes:
    1. First aid/CPR
    2. Biohazards
    3. Physical hazards
    4. Body mechanics
  6. If transportation is provided:
    1. Proper seat restraints or car seat installation when children are served
    2. Wheelchair tie-downs, when applicable
    3. Safe driving techniques
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When direct personal care supports are provided, the program implements a plan and written procedures for:

  1. The supervision of personnel, including provision of timely feedback to enhance skills
  2. Addressing unplanned absences to ensure continuity of supports
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When applicable, training in the use of adaptive devices and equipment is provided to:

  1. Personnel
  2. The person served
  3. The family
  4. Caregivers
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When needed, assistive technology is used and reasonable accommodations are made in:

  1. The development of services and supports
  2. The ongoing provision of services
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If the personal supports service provides training or an educational activity for the persons served, the program includes a written description for each offering that includes:

  1. Focus on the needs of the trainees
  2. Requirements for participation, if any
  3. Objectives for the activity
  4. Instructional methods and materials
  5. The sequence and hours of instruction
  6. Regular review and revision/updates as needed
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If information and referral services are provided, the program demonstrates:

  1. Knowledge of available services/resources
  2. Knowledge of support systems that are relevant to the persons served
  3. Facilitation of access to available services/resources
  4. Availability at times and locations convenient to the persons served
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