Training strategies include, as needed:
- On-site or off-site consultations
- Decreasing the trainer’s presence on the job site
- Transferring training and support to natural supports, when available
- Mentoring
- Referral to support groups or employee assistance programs, if appropriate and available
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When the organization provides supervision at the community employment site:
- The support staff has sufficient knowledge of the industrial and programmatic aspects of the assignment
- Backup contingency plans exist in the event of the support staff’s absence or tardiness
- The support staff follows industry and workplace practices
- The support staff is able to communicate effectively with staff at all levels within the employment site
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Any nonwork needs of the person served that may impact employment are:
- Identified
- Addressed through one of the following:
- Referral to supportive services
- The individual planning process
- Monitored
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Individualized support services to maintain employment address, as needed:
- Knowledge of attendance and punctuality expectations
- Demonstration of grooming skills, appropriate hygiene, and appropriate work attire
- Job-site safety practices
- On-the-job performance skills related to quality and quantity of work
- Work-related community skills such as time management, mobility, and money management skills
- Work-related communication skills
- Work ethics and job expectations
- Health maintenance and medication management
- Corporate or work culture, including things such as chain of command, work relationships, and grievance procedures
- Knowledge of governmental and community service agencies to support work success
- Information related to how to access these services
- Functional job-related literacy skills
- Work-related academic skills
- Knowledge of work practices
- Work-related technology
- Self-advocacy and assertiveness skills
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Individual support activities address, as needed, integration into the employment setting.
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Ongoing job support services to retain employment are provided at times and locations suited to meet the needs and desires of the:
- Person served
- Employer
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For persons who are receiving long-term services, there is review at least semiannually of the level of ongoing supports needed with the:
- Person served
- Employer, as appropriate
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Based on the aspirations of the person served, the program provides or refers the person to resources for career planning and advancement.
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The program provides or arranges for employment crisis intervention services when needed by a person served.
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