Employment and Community Standard 2.C – Medication Monitoring and Management


An up-to-date individual record of all medications, including prescription and nonprescription medications, used by the person served includes:

  1. The name of the medication
  2. The dosage, including strength or concentration
  3. The frequency
  4. Instructions for use, including administration route
  5. Potential side effects
  6. Drug interactions
  7. For prescribed medications:
    1. The prescribing professional and phone number
    2. Dispensing pharmacy and contact information
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The organization implements written procedures that address:

  1. Storage, including handling of medications requiring refrigeration or protection from light
  2. Safe handling
  3. Packaging and labeling
  4. Safe disposal
  5. Maintenance of an adequate supply of medications for the persons served
  6. Documentation of medication use
  7. Self-administration, when applicable
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As requested, the persons served or their parents or guardians are provided with or given information about resources for:

  1. Advocacy and advocacy training to assist them in being actively involved in making decisions related to the use of medications
  2. Training and education regarding medications
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The organization documents that the use of all medications by the person served is reviewed at least annually by a single physician or qualified professional licensed to prescribe or dispense medications.

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An organization that manages medications for persons served implements written procedures that address:

  1. Purchase, if applicable, including processes for handling medication shortages on weekends
  2. Transportation and delivery, if applicable
  3. Off-site use, if applicable
  4. Administration of medications by personnel, including:
    1. Staff credentials and competencies
    2. Documentation of medication administration
    3. Documentation of the use and benefits, or lack thereof, of as needed (prn) doses
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An organization that manages medications for persons served implements written procedures regarding medications that provide for:

  1. Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations pertaining to medications and controlled substances
  2. Documentation or confirmation of informed consent for each medication administered, when possible
  3. Integrating any prescribed medications into a person’s overall plan, including, if applicable, special dietary needs and restrictions associated with medication use
  4. Identification, documentation, and required reporting, including to the prescribing professional:
    1. Of any medication reactions experienced by the person served
    2. Of medication errors, as appropriate
  5. Review of medication errors and drug reactions as part of the quality monitoring and improvement system
  6. Actions to follow in case of emergencies related to the use of medications, including ready access to the telephone number of a poison control center by:
    1. The program personnel
    2. The persons served, as appropriate
  7. Availability of medical resources for consultation during hours of program operation
  8. Coordination as needed with the physician primary care needs
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