The organization implements policies promoting the following rights of the persons served:
- Confidentiality of information.
- Privacy.
- Freedom from:
- Abuse.
- Financial or other exploitation.
- Retaliation.
- Humiliation.
- Neglect.
- Access to:
- Information pertinent to the person served in sufficient time to facilitate his or her decision making.
- Their own records.
- Informed consent or refusal or expression of choice regarding:
- Service delivery.
- Release of information.
- Concurrent services.
- Composition of the service delivery team.
- Involvement in research projects, if applicable.
- Access or referral to:
- Legal entities for appropriate representation.
- Self-help support services.
- Advocacy support services.
- Adherence to research guidelines and ethics when persons served are involved, if applicable.
- Investigation and resolution of alleged infringement of rights.
- Other legal rights.
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The rights of the persons served are:
- Communicated to the persons served:
- In a way that is understandable.
- Prior to the beginning of service delivery or at initiation of service delivery.
- At least annually for persons served in a program longer than one year.
- Available at all times for:
- Review.
- Clarification.
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The organization:
- Implements a policy and written procedure by which persons served may formally complain to the organization that specifies:
- Its definition of a formal complaint.
- That the action will not result in retaliation or barrier to services.
- How efforts will be made to resolve the complaint.
- Levels of review, which include availability of external review.
- Time frames that:
- Are adequate for prompt consideration.
- Result in timely decisions for the person served.
- Procedures for written notifications regarding the actions to be taken to address the complaint.
- The rights of each party.
- The responsibilities of each party.
- The availability of advocates or other assistance.
- Makes complaint procedures and, if applicable, forms:
- Readily available to the persons served.
- Understandable to the persons served.
- Documents formal complaints received.
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An analysis of all formal complaints:
- Is conducted at least annually.
- Is documented, including:
- Whether formal complaints were received.
- Trends.
- Areas needing performance improvement.
- Actions to be taken to address the improvements needed.
- Actions taken or changes made to improve performance.
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