A written analysis is completed:
- At least annually.
- That analyzes performance indicators in relation to performance targets, including:
- Business functions.
- Service delivery of each program seeking accreditation, including:
- The effectiveness of services.
- The efficiency of services.
- Service access.
- Satisfaction and other feedback from:
- The persons served.
- Other stakeholders.
- Extenuating or influencing factors.
- That:
- Identifies areas needing performance improvement.
- Results in an action plan to address the improvements needed to reach established or revised performance targets.
- Outlines actions taken or changes made to improve performance.
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The analysis of performance indicators are used to:
- Review the implementation of:
- The mission of the organization.
- The core values of the organization.
- Improve the quality of programs and services.
- Facilitate organizational decision making.
- Review or update the organization’s strategic plan.
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The organization communicates performance information
- To:
- Persons served.
- Personnel.
- Other stakeholders.
- According to the needs of the specific group, including:
- The format of the information communicated.
- The content of the information communicated.
- The timeliness of the information communicated.
- That is accurate.
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